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Redesign Existing Services

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About the offer

Improve existing services with a redesigned interface.

We've all been just needed to push something to production and there wasn't enough time to focus on the design. Now you have a live product or service that needs some love.

If you have an existing interface that you want to improve but don't have design competence, we can jump straight in to do a redesign to make sure your product or service lives up to its potential. 

Who is this for?

For those who already have an existing service and want to improve it. If you can define what “better” means for you, we can help.

Whether you need help interpreting new insights from your usage analytics, lack designers to implement UX recommendations, or wish to address user feedback, we’ve got you covered.
  • Price: starting at 25,000 SEK
  • Duration: 1 week
  • Tags: Design
Some of our clients

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I receive?

We typically deliver a testable prototype and high-resolution images so that you can use it in Maze, UserTesting or any other software. You of course get access to the original designs in Figma or any other design tool you prefer.

What should I expect?

We typically kick things off by discussing the expectations and deliverables. Simply put, what are we improving? Which part of the app/service are we focusing on? We then take a couple of days to produce high-resolution images of the redesigned flow. We recommend using Figma so that you can follow up on the progress in real time, but we are flexible. If you are using XD or Sketch, we can make that work too. 

After a couple of days, you should have a clickable prototype of the redesigned service. We typically recommend testing the new design to ensure you are getting the results you expect. We can, of course, help you facilitate the testing and even recruit participants if needed.

If you have an existing AB testing software, we can help you conduct an AB test as a follow-up and ensure you are getting the results you expect.

Who will be doing this service?

We will match one of our design experts do your needs.

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