DevOps Assessment
Swiftly uncover low-hanging fruit in your software delivery processes.
Unlock rapid improvements in your software delivery pipeline with our DevOps Assessment, designed to quickly identify low-hanging fruit within your software delivery process and provide actionable recommendations for immediate optimisation. With a focus on efficiency and practicality, this assessment sets the stage for further exploration and improvement.
Who is this for?
This service is tailored for:
- Organisations seeking immediate improvements in their software delivery processes.
- Development teams, DevOps engineers, and technical stakeholders looking to make rapid advancements towards optimisation.
Price: starting at 25,000 SEK
Duration: 2 days
Tags: DevOps, Tech
What will we investigate?
- Key Metrics: Evaluation of essential performance indicators to pinpoint areas of concern.
- Release Process: Rapid assessment of deployment strategies, reliability measures, and potential for quick wins.
- Security: Basic review of supply chain security and configuration management to highlight potential vulnerabilities.
- Monitoring: Quick overview of logging mechanisms and alert systems to ensure basic operational visibility.
- Collaborative Tools and Solutions: Identification of gaps hindering seamless collaboration across teams.
- Redundancy: Brief review of backup procedures and disaster recovery plans to identify if there are any immediate improvement opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will I receive?
A concise report outlining identified low-hanging fruits, recommended next steps, and potential areas for deeper investigation.
What do we need from you?
Access to relevant engineering team members for brief interviews and discussions.
Any available documentation or information related to your software delivery processes.
Who will be doing this service?
Our experienced DevOps engineers or architects will lead this assessment, leveraging their expertise and experience to identify areas for improvement and provide practical recommendations quickly.